Chapter 8 Part 1 Zane
Setting up the easel became a second nature to Yuki as the days pressed on. Today most of her canvas was saturated with acrylic. There seemed to be something about the metallic hues in the gold and silver paint that could never capture the realistic sparkle of Bomboa's coppery flesh. She was too silky smooth and reminded her of looking at a caramel glazed chocolate bar in texture. Yuki found herself licking her lips. Soft perky firm breasts, flat stomach with small defined feminine abs. Her arms held up and relaxed on top of her loosely pinned up locks of shimmery vines. Her face seemed so perfect, as if the gods themselves had molded it. Except for the chin, her chin definitely looked thick and masculine. Somehow she was able to pull it off. Nobody seemed to care about her chin after seeing her perfectly apple shaped bottom from behind. She stood in the contra postal pose and caused her left cheek and through to crease just ever so slightly which added even more character to her buttocks. Every asset, every feature made her irresistible to every male that neared and the females as well. The pull and lust was unnatural. Students spent the entire class period just staring at her with completely blank canvases. The most intoxicating factor was that she knew she was a dream to the eye and mind and relished in her own reflection. Yuki could imagine her after class in her office, standing in front of a mirror asking it who is the first of them all. She allowed a smirk to grow on her face and a small giggle escape her mouth at the thought. A few students glared enviously her way. She even received a short glance from Bomboa herself. Someone bumped into ner shoulder from behind, causing hr brush to smear paint across a inappropriate section of her painting. She brought her arm up to ner mouth and laughed quietly into it. Her masterpiece had now become a censored work of art. Bomboa cleared her throat loud enough for Yuki to hear. Yuki gave an apologetic gesture and spun around to see who had bumped her and came face to face with Blue Boy. All joking aside, Yuki's face immediately flushed and she knew he saw it before she was able to look away becuase he gave her his signature half smile that made her melt every time. She tried to focus herself back on the canvas and began to correct the smear. With each gentle stroke, she could feel his cool gaze on her. Each time it caused her to hesitate and shutter as the tingle sparked inside her. She closed her eyes briefly and inhaled deeply to push past it. At first it worked but soon started again. She had to stop herself period and try to custom her body to his powerful presence. It was hard to understand how these feelings could control her when she never even looked at him more then once but she had more of an idea then any other student had. Maybe he was a Subject? She stepped back from her canvas to take in what she had created. The perfect amount of hues with the right index at each curve. This truly was her new found talent and filled her with pleasure amd joy even after all she had been though and all that she had learned. A smile snuck its way back cross her face as a ticket of blue hair caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Quickly, Yuki spun around. Her palette slipped from her hand and flipped her brush from her water tin, causing paint to splatter across both of thier aprons and faces. He jumped back in surprise but wasn't quick enough to avoid the colors. "I didn't mean to startle you." His voice, damn his voice. It couldn't sound more perfect. "No, not at all. It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention. Here let me help you clean that." Yuki picked up her napkins and handed them to him. She expected him to use them to wipe his own face, instead, he began to wipe hers. The red rose to her cheeks again. She waited for him to finish them started to pick up the brush and palette before he could get any closer and made her way to the sink. As she stopped at the basin and tuned on the warm water she could feel him come up behind her. She reached for the sponge and soap and began to wash the acrylic from her palette. His warm breathe on her neck made her freeze entirely. She started down into the swirling vortex of water as the colors lifted from the palette in order of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow danced together as they melded with green, blue and purple. The metallic colors lifted last and melted between each color like brilliant stars shimmering on a pinwheel of light. It spun around and around until the water became clear once again. Her body became tense as aggravation began to emulate from her pores. She spun around to call him out, her mouth open and ready to argue. Before she could blink she found herself face to face with the golden goddess herself. The very nude, mouth watering, Bomboa. Bomboa rested a gentle hand on Yuki's shoulder and spoke her fluid words. "I saw your painting and I just have to give you my deepest praise. No one had ever been able to capture my essence in such detail. It literally brought tears to my eyes at first glance. Like love at first sight! I just had to contend you for your..... your raw talent. You must have been painting for years." Yuki was somewhat shocked but soon began to think that this had something to do with her being distracted by something other then the naked narcissistic teacher. " Actually, I have never painted a day of my life until this class. I guess you just inspire me." Yuki had hoped to impress and somewhat brown nose her way past Bomboa but noticed the genuine shock on her face. Her perfect Barbie face had a wrinkle. Yuki wouldn't dare say a word. Her attention was pulled away again as her eyes locked on him across the room. He stood with his rucksack drapped over his shoulder. The sunlight flowed into the room, illuminating his pupils like blue diamonds. It was enough to make her heart leap from her chest. As Bomboa's voiced came back into focus, his eye connection broke with hers and he made his way to the exit. "So is that something that you would consider?" Yuki shook her head in confusion. "Im sorry. What did you say?" Bomboa looked hurt but repeated herself anyway. "The painting dear child. Have you not been listening? I have to have it for my collection." "Your collection, ma'am?" Bomboa smiled a Cheshire's toothy smile. "Yes dear, my own personal collection and I am willing to pay. Oh course you will also receive a top score in my class but I simply must have it and won't take no for an answer." It took Yuki a moment to fully understand what she had just bern offered. She was definitely distracted today. Suddenly a lightbulb flicked on and exploded in her mind. "Yes!" Bomboa clapped her hands together and shrieked out with pure joy as she made her bouncy naked way over to the painting. She marveled at the creation and shook with delight. Yuki thought Bomboa could not glow any brighter but she was wrong. Quickly she turned back to her mess in the sink before she became blind. She washed her hands and her brush then returned her materials to the table and broke down her canvas. Blue Boy didn't reenter the room and Yuki kicked herself every time she glanced at the doorway, expecting his half smile to reappear. As much as he annoyed her, she really did like it. As the class cleared out and Yuki made her way to the exit, backpack in tow, Miss Bomboa suddenly launched herself in front of her and pushed her against the stain glass windows. Shock and fear flowed through her and het pack slipped from her hand. Bomboa's fingers took its place and interlocked with Yuki's causing her to gulp awkwardly. "Um, Miss Bomb..." Yuki was cut off by the placement of the fingers on her other hand across her lips to silence her. The pulse overtook Yuki like electricity. "Shhhhh! I would like to have a private session with you after class next week. With a talent like yours there is no way I will pass up a chance to painted the way the gods intended. Of course I will compensate you. Name your price." Yuki didn't even have to think about it and was completely confident in her request. "A laptop!" Bomboa lifted Yuki's hand to her mouth and kissed her thumb. "Anything else?" "Access to your classroom after hours." Bomboa's face came closer and she neared her lips to Yuki's ear. "Deal." Yuki left the classroom, feeling extremely satisfied with herself, turned the corner and found herself locked firmly in a pair of arms. The pulse overtook her so ferociously that her knees gave way and she cried out in ecstasy. The moan was so loud that it made its way down the hall and into the ears of her seriously confused students as they looked in the direction she had just been. Unsure of the moan's origin they continued on their ways.
Chapter 8 Part 2 Zane
She was pulled into an empty classroom. Her body twitched and her heart raced as his hands ran up and down her body. He pushed her onto a desk and their lips locked. Nothing around her made sense. Where was she? What she doing? The tingle rose within her. She grabbed a handful of blue hair and pulled him closer to drink him in. And drink she did as the energy began to flow from him and into her. His hands worked themselves under the shirt and her body came to life. The flames within consumed her. Jolt my jolt her body pulsed under his liquid touch. The two merged and ate at each other like wild animals. His pants around his ankles, her panties hanging off of her shoe. As the moan's escaped their throats the desk cracked and gave way from beneath them. They fell to the floor in a embrace of passion. He lifted her head close to his nose with an uneasy hand. He inhaled her cherry blossom scent and gave her his very first full smile. She lifted her hands to his face and brushes back his bangs to stare into his brilliantly blue ocean embossed eyes. Then reality kicked in and she pushed him out of her face. "Get off of me!" He seemed confused by her request but did as she requested by rolled to he side and started to re-pants himself. She sat up, pulled up her underwear and sat somewhat dazed on he broken wood. "What time is it?" She scanned the dark room and found the clock near the door. She was very late for her next class. He stood up and offered her an out stretched hand. She smacked it away and stood on her own. As she began to walk towards the door he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, pressing himself on her and losing himself in her soft kiss. She found herself kissing back a few seconds before she broke away and slapped him across the face then stepped away from his reach. "You don't get to have me anytime you want! Who do to think you are anyway? I don't even know who you truly are. Your takin my circumstances for granted and I am not anyone's toy!" He just stood there, head down, eyes closed, and silent for a long time. Vibes in the room became awkward and he began to greatly annoy her. "Are you going to talk to me or just ignore me?" Still he was silent. Eventually she gave up and made her way to the door again. She grappled with the knob until at last it opened. The door creaked open when she felt his hand on her shoulder and she instantly froze. He spoke softly. "I just wanted to help you." She pulled away again and turned towards him. "What are you talking about?" He stopped trying to get close and finally decided to give her a little space as he contained to talk. "You do a great jon trying to hide it but I know that your always in pain." Her voice began to rise as her blood began to boil. "What do you know about my pain?" His eyes met he's again. His hand found its way into her pants pocket. "You can't hide it from me Yuki. I know what you feel and I have what you need." "You know nothing about me!" At this point she wanted to leap across th room and punch him but he took another step back and pulled out a black cross necklace, identical to her own. "You were in so much pain and so confused. I doubt you even knew it was me." She glared at he dangling pendant in his hand and reached into her blouse to reveal her own. She felt hatred and fearful at what he was trying to convey to her and started to shiver as he continued to speak. "I tried to tell you in the office but you ran off before I could. You assumed I was someone who I wasn't. My scar....." He froze and turned away from her. She could tell by the weekness in his voice that he as about to cry, or already was. "You gave me this scar the night I tried to save you from my brother." Yuki's heart pulsed and she felt a heaviness in her chest that seemed to suck out her breath. Her mind began to spin and her legs became noodles as she slid down the wall and sat back down on the floor. "I don't regret what I did to them either. You were worth it." She swallowed hard and forced out he only question she could think of. "What did" He turned around sharply, tears streamed down his face and he smiled brightly. "I killed them."
Chapter 8 Part 3 Zane
Freshman year was tough on Zane as it was. He was awkward, clumsy and everyone considered him a nerd. He stopped speaking after his mother's untimely death. His father was a drunk who berated him every chance he could until he finally couldn't take the responsibility or guilt anymore and hung himself. Zane was left to live in thier shadow and as his older brother's burden. Becuase of this, Yumi neglected him. In public no one ever knew they were related other then in name and blood. Each brother wore a cross. Thier mother had given them as gifts the Christmas before her car crash. She said that they would keep her boys safe and if worn they would always have a piece of her with them. He never removed his necklace but Yumi, full of anger and spite, blamed him and constantly reminded him of how he should never have been born. If he hadn't have been sick that night she would have never taken the car out in he rain to get his medicine. Thier father was always drunk becuase he hated his job and was never home becuase he was either at a bar or at his office so he couldn't have helped anything. Zane became accustomed to being alone but nothing and no one was able to pull him from his silence until he saw her. She seemed like him. Quiet, reserved, and hurt. He could feel it and he tasted her energy. He felt when she cried no matter where she was and it seemed all too often. She sat in the back of his Alegbra class, never saying a word, never looking at anyone or anything but her work. He watched as the girls bullied her. He studied her as she spent long hours in the library hacking away on the computers. He became enraged as students threw food at her, pushed her, tripped her and called her "Freak!" A boy pushed past her as he hurriedly ran down the hall and kicked all of her books from her hands. She just stood there looking down at them then walked away. once she had gone, Zane snuck over, picked them all up and placed them on her desk. When she sat down the next day she didn't even take notice. As the school years drudged on, he found himself infatuated with her. Her pale milky skin, her long ebony silk hair made him long to touch her. A few times he was able to walk closely behind her in the halls just to be able to take in her cherry blossom scent. He often fantasized about being able to hold her hand as they walked through a snow filled valley, just the two of them as the snow silently fell and landed on her black hair as they gazed into each other's eyes. He even saw himself smile as she smiled back. It wasn't until the third year when things began to get out of hand. Yuki hadn't been to school for a week and he worried for her. As he walked between classes he heard a group of girls chatting and laughing about her. He hid behind the hall corner to listen. Yuki had been bullied so badly that she was slammed into a locker in the girls changing room wearing only her undergarments. She had been locked in on a Friday and when classes resumed on Monday she was finally found. She was drenched in urine, fecal mater, and blood. Her knees where badly bruised from propping her up to be able to sleep and she had broken almost every finger from trying to pry the metal frames apart to escape. Zane shook with fury as the girls skipped off to class. He vowed to never let anyone hurt her ever again or they would be the ones to suffer. Several days a week he found himself standing on her doorstep, unable to ring the doorbell or say a word and eventually gave up and just waited. No one was ever pushed for the crime becuase she wouldnt tell. some went as far as to ay she did it to herself, for attention. She returned to school a few weeks later. There were bags under her eyes and she was drenched from head to toe from the rain. Her hair was unbrushed and plastered onto her face in certain places. She looked irresistible to him and he decided that he was going to talk to her. But how? Then Yumi decided to ruin everything. Somehow he found out about Zane's obsession and jumped at the opportunity to destroy his brother. The ability to destroy the girl was just an added bonus. Yumi's mind had become sick and twisted and set on revenge for the loss of his parents. As night fell on that cool night, Zane returned home from his usual sulk in the forest outside his home. The entire basketball team was there sitting in the porch, drinking and smoking and socializing. He was completely unaware of what was being discussed until he reached the steps and heard one of them say her same. "Yuki. Is that her name?" "Who cares, she doesn't matter anymore. She never mattered anyways. She is a no body and will probably just do the world a favor and kill herself after tonight. But damn did she have a tight pussy!" "You mean if Yumi doesn't kill her first. I could have fucked her all night long." They clanked their bottles together to celebrate and began to laugh hysterically. Zane felt his blood begin to boil as he balled his fists. A drop of rain splashed across his nose from above and pure anger over took him. He saw a boys head in his hands as he snapped his neck. There was shouting and limbs in his face. Nothing could stop him as the rain fell down and bodies began to drop randomly around him. Bubbling blisters covered thier bodies as they cried for the pain to stop. Zane threw fists and jabbed with his elbow as the boys melted around him. Blood and spit flew all around him as he flung fist after fist. A tooth flew past his ear but still he didn't stop. He felt hands trying to pull him down as his fists collided with random body parts. He could hear creaking bones and sickening squishing sounds until there was almost nothing. When the last body fell to the wooden floorboards of the pitched Zane turned towards the house and tromped towards the door, crushing a oozing skull under his boot in he process and waited for his brother. Yumi entered the kitchen wearing only his basketball shorts and walked to the refrigerator. He threw open the door and pulled out a half gallon of milk that he started to chug. Zane stepped through the doorway and stood behind him. He could see blood on Yumi's knuckles as he drank. "What did you do to her?" Startled, Yumi dropped the milk and spun around to see his brother. "Jeeze, Don't do that shit! You made me spill my milk ass hole." That's when he noticed the red that covered Zane's arms and face. He took a step back and called for his friends but no one answered. "I said, What did you do to her?" Cornered and found out, Yumi puffed himself up into his macho man defensiveness and casually began to tell his brother off. "Oh Im sorry. I didn't mean to make you jealous. She chose me you know. That poor lost little slut. Did you wanna turn? If so I can arrange that for you. I'm sure she still has a little fight left in her." "You Bastard!" Zane charged at his brother with every ounce of fury. Yumi grabbed a knife from the kitchen block and sliced at Zane. It sunk like butter into his arm but he was not phased by it at all. In retaliation, Zane took a hold of his brothers shoulders and ripped them from their sockets. Yumi staggered back and stared at his brother who now held his arms in his hands then he looked at his nub of a shoulder as blood sprayed out and across the refrigerator. Zane dropped his arms and stepped towards Yumi as he began to scream. Like lightening, Zane ripped his younger from his open mouth and tossed it into the sink. Yumi collapsed to his knees and stared pleadingly up into his brother's eyes. "Too little to late big brother. This ends now." Zane took hold of his brothers face between his hands. His eyes rolled into the back of his skull as his skin began to blister, bloat and slowly turn into vapor until there was nothing left of him in the room. Even the milk had disappeared. Once Yumi was taken care of he made his way back onto the back porch, he did the same thing to the rest of the bodies until there wasn't a single drop of blood anywhere. The blood and gore dissolved from his own flesh as he went to the closet to fetch a bucket and sponge then made his way downstairs. As soon as he saw her, his eyes faded back to grey and he was finaly able to control himself. He cared for her and held her close as he washed her all the way up until the moment she slashes him, took his necklace and fled. He sat alone for days, trying to figure out what had happened and how he had done it. There didnt seem to be a logical explanation. He found his brothers necklace laying on the kitchen tiles as the police kicked in the front door, stormed in threw the back and placed him in cuffs. The entire time he just held a half smile across his scared and bloody face. He spent the next few months in psychiatric housing where he dyed his hair and focused on his powers. Where they came from he didn't know but he hoped more then anything that they never got out of control like that again. "I remember you now." She stepped over to him and placed her hand in his. He flinched at her touch. "I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologize to me." "Yes I do. If I had been braver and talked to you when I should have them none of it would have happened." "That may be true but, it could have been worse. We could both be dead." He looked down and into her brown eyes and wrapped his arms around her to pull her in close. "I will never let anyone hurt you again. Even if it means giving up everything." She pulled his head down as she stood on her tip toes and thier lips locked in complete understood passion.